Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Hoodlum of Italy

The summer of 1976 was the fall of bootlegging as you know it, the pharmacies were being attacked at all angels after the death of the king pin Roberto.

Roberto was a poor peasant who grew up on the sores of italy,his parents worked for the ruler of italy king Black Worth. Roberto didn't have the chance to get a formal education like the upper class children of Venice,he had to work at an early age to keep the family afloat,he work 12 hours a day,5 days a week.He would spend his weekends on the farm of Lord Black Worth helping his parents plough the Maize field, he enjoyed working for the Lord not because he enjoyed the perks that came with the job but the mere fact that he would spend time talking with Grace,Grace was the daughter of Black Worth but was nothing like his father, she was full of spirit and love.

Grace and Roberto began to fancy one other as the years went by, but both knew that it could never work out,they knew that her father would not of approve of them due to the fact that Roberto wasn't of royalty, her father had already chose the man who he thought was worthy of marring her daughter.On the West side of italy there lived called a man of power to how he got his power was a Mistry, he was know by the Golden Dagger name after a rear gun which was owned by a few.

The Golden Dagger was in the bootlegging business which was a lucrative market to venture into in the west side if Italy,the east side of Italy was the people who had old money live and the west was the part of italy were new money lived.Lord Black Worth and the Golden Dagger had business relation so they would met after every second sunday at the end of each month and discuss the distribution channel of the drugs into the east.Roberto and Graciano were the people assigned to offload the goods at sea port once they were delivered at the dust of dawn,Graciano was the right had man of Lord Black Worth who knew the ins and outs of the operation. Graciano would make Roberto work alone whilst he had something to drink and take the credit,roberto would listen to Graciano's every word because when he got intoxicated he would spill the beans on how the Golden Dagger and Lord Black Worth ran the operation.

The conversations between Roberto and Graciano were going on for two years straight,he was starting to master the whole operation of the business so he decided to leave the east side of Italy so he could make enough money and marry Grace.He made the decision to leave everything he loved behind to make a better life for himself.The first couple of months were difficult for him to get by due to the fact that he didn't have any connections at that time.The Hoodlum as he was known developed a bigger an stronger demand in the drug industry he want to transport tobacco into the east.

Tobacco was illegal at that time and was merely impossible to transport it on the east side of Italy if you you were caught smuggling it into Lord black Worths land you were hung and given to the dogs a breakfast.Roberto needed some who had the guts to pull this off and along with the connections,the only person who had the law on his side was the Golden Dagger, he was the only person who had access to eastern part of the drug stores.Roberto and the Golden Dagger went into business after 3 months of Roberto working for the Dagger on one condition that he does mention him if he gets caught and they split the profit 50/50,they came to an agreement and started import the tobacco form Zimbabwe and distributed it though out Italy,the Golden Dagger and Roberto made a name for themselves and sat beside the Lords when they feasted.

The eastern officials of Italy were becoming curious on how Roberto made his money because he was living in the lap of luxury but wasn't of royalty.Roberto was living in the lime light not to impress the public but Grace Worth his one true love,he would buy the best of everything even through parties for the upper class people of italy every Fort night hoping he would see her.That was the major reason that tipped of the officials of Italy, he became a major treat to the economy of Italy,they had to caught him out before he became un touchable.

The summer of 1976 was the fall of the empire the police raided the sea port and everything pointed to the Golden Dagger and he was forced to pin point everything to Roberto which saw the Hoodlum bow to his knees and was sentenced to death,his last dying wish was to see his beloved Grace and tell her that he had left everything in his name and he'd never stopped loving her.