Saturday, March 6, 2010

The road to a better South Africa.

Twenty years ago,we showed the world that we could unite around common beliefs,the South Africa we living in today has transformed an we are now a democratic,non-sexist and non-racial nation.We showed that working together makes a difference in building a better South Africa for our children and grandchildren.

We should again use the remarkable capability of the nation to address the problems that are affecting our economy. But before we do that we should understand as people living today is that nothing starts from nothing ,we as individuals should look at what we doing wrong an identify those small thing so we'll be able to bring change in South Africa.I believe the one thing that affects our judgement as people living in South Africa is that we no longer have a backbone,we can't make our own decisions we are more reliant on other peoples opinions,we are now living in peoples shadows.

South Africa has introduced a new president,Jacob Zuma to stand for the civilians of South Africa an introduce new traits which will put the South African economy to an advantage.I admire that president is taking a new approach in making South Africa a better place,but the question is will this change be for the better or worst, time will tell.When you read through the
Budget speech an the State of the Nation Address you find that there are a lot of promises made such as introducing more jobs that are aimed towards the youth-but the did not specify on how they were going to implement this,improving rural development and sanitation infrastructure,reshaping our cities-will it be worth pumping so much of money into shaping our cities after the 2010 world cup ,townships and informal settlements.Pravin Gordhan speech was impressive over all so was the State of the Nation Address(SONA) but i believe the SONA was not in detail, the president did not go in-depth an specify the departments in which they want to improve,my personal opinion is not enough,i looked at this through the eyes of the public.

Marea Sing on february 18,2010,9:26 am,Mail and Guardian

I hate what Jacob Zuma is doing to the "education" people of this country-exposing their innate weakness and political misguidedness.Mbeki and Zuma called upon South Africa not to trust entirely analysis and media. After the state of the Nation Address ,President Zuma was attacked by opposition parties before consulting with their constituencies. They asked questions whose answers are in the address. I would of said "speech is good,the presenter was bad".Da,COPE,ID and ACDP did not hear Zuma.He made it clear during session in Parliament when he had to answer their questions that their question lack substance and material.He kept referring them to his his address, which obviously did not read before making some how stupid comments.Pravin's speech was well-anticipated and many got disappointed that ANC's appointment has been extremely balanced and intelligent.

Thuthukani Mkhize on February 17,2010,9:15 pm,Mail and Guardian

Anyone spot how little he looked at his notes while he spoke-really impressive,which means he really understands and believes in what he says.On the other hand,Mr Zuma -glued to his notes.

Time will tell if the Government will live up to their promises and if this sudden change will be for the best. An important thing that people should know is that change does not happen over night an we have to work together to make "our" country a better place.(Andile Makhaye)

Reference:Mail & Guardian online;17 February 2010,Comments on Budget speech and State of the Nation Address,Google.

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