Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is funny how the traits of the apartheid era have been filtered through with music and the rhythms of ethnic tribalism to all be under one, Amandla'' the phrase of the conscious movements of tortured dignity , a starved freedom promised by a dream, that only awoke in melody of freedom . Fear simply had no place where hope touched hearts and lifted the souls in lyric.

Ingoma,the music was the only thing that left the designated people of South Africa with hope.Music was a vital part of the struggle against apartheid, for most it was the only tool in which they could express their pain,the more they sang the better they felt.Life and death was no longer a question that was running through the mind of the individual but the thought of freedom rattled their minds.

Malibuye,Malibuye are the words that bought hope to the black civilians of South Africa.A man wakes up with the hope of being accepted by the other man,peace was the only thing that people wanted.A mother tired of being asked one of the same questions each and everyday,mama why is it we never have enough to eat,mama why are my brothers and sisters killed like dog everyday,mama when is my father coming home and the mother being left speechless not knowing what to say.

Music became powerful after the Soweto uprising which happened in 1976 when the youth of Soweto came out in their thousands to fight against being taught in afrikaans as a medium of instruction.People were chasing freedom leaving their families behind and going to other neighboring countries in exile.During the 1980 sundays were set aside for burials for the youth it became a war so people would put out their weapons which were the Toyi Toyi and song during the time and would flee into the streets rejoicing because they did not want to get demotivated.Music became a huge part of the peoples lives even when the people were sent to be hang they would burst out in song to keep the hope alive.

The hope of a nation was dependent on one man,one voice, the 11 of February 1990 was life changing for everyone across the globe, when Nelson Mandela was released from prison hope was restored.

1994 bought tears to my fellow South African as they came out in their millions going to the polls to vote for the first time in South African history.When they voted on that day they were not casting votes on their behalf but for their fellow brother and sisters who fraught for freedom but did not have the opportunity to witness it.

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